Friday 28 June 2019

Gym Etiquette Rules You Need to Know

It's a good start if you have started going to a gym or health club.

Whether it's your first time at the gym or your 100th, you need to follow a set of rules or maintain a certain sense of decorum when you are working out in a public space.

Here are some Gym Etiquette rules that you need to know:

1.     Sweating is important while you exercise. However, with sweating, comes the body odor. If you want to prevent people from running away from you (literally) while you exercise in the gym, use a deodorant to keep the odor in check.

2.     As no one likes to use sweaty weights or machines, carry a small towel and wipe down the machines after every use.

3.     Avoid dropping the weights on the floor. This can damage the gym floor or injure someone else.

4.     Re-rack the weights after using them. Putting the weights or equipment at their right place will help the other members to find the weights when they exercise.

5.     No one likes to be criticized or judged, especially in the gym where they have come to achieve their fitness goals. Therefore, don't point out or make fun of people when they are working out in the gym.

6.     Don't use your phone while working out. To concentrate on your exercise and avoid a potential injury, keep your phone in your locker or bag. Even if you need to take an urgent call, head outside the gym. 

7.     Don't reserve the machine or equipment for yourself. Be considerate of others and their time and allow them to use the machine during your rest time.

8.     Avoid keeping your things or personal belongings out on the floor or on other machines.

Following these basic gym rules and etiquette can make your and others workout session enjoyable and productive. 

Are you looking for a health club/fitness center/gym in Winnipeg? Join Shapes Fitness Centre today!

Shapes Fitness Centre is one of the Best Gyms in Winnipeg, having the highest number of high-quality gym equipment in Winnipeg which can take your body shape to the next level. Shapes Fitness also provides Yoga classes which can help you achieve a flexible and healthy body. It has a child activity centre at every gym location and has plenty of gym parking place. Massage therapy, steam room or sauna and Jacuzzi are some of the amenities which Shapes Fitness Centre provides to its members.

To know more about the services offered by shapes fitness centre visit  

Tuesday 4 June 2019

5 Common Gym Mistakes You Need to Avoid

Have you been going to a gym for a long time and still seeing no visible results?

The results may vary from individuals and body types. However, if you are nowhere near to your fitness goals even after working out for more than 3 months, then either you are not doing exercises properly or committing mistakes that are preventing you from achieving gains.

Here are some common gym mistakes that you need to avoid to see results and avoid possible injuries:

1. You are not doing warm-up: Skipping warm-up can save your time but can increase your chances of getting injured. Warming up is essential to elevate your heart rate, pump up more blood and prepare your muscles for your workout session.

2. You always follow the same routine: Following the same routine, exercise, reps or sets can make your workout monotonous and further make you feel unmotivated. It is recommended to change your workout routine every 3 or 4 weeks to challenge your muscles and for optimum results.

3. Taking enough rest between sets: Your workout should last for only 60 minutes including warm-up, stretching and lifting session. To make that happen, you should keep your rest time between sets strictly to 30 or 60 seconds and focus your remaining time on exercise only.

4. Lifting too much weight or using a poor form: Using poor form while lifting weights offers no benefits and instead targets wrong muscle groups. Until you perform a set or master an exercise properly with a full range of motion, you should not add on or increase weights.

5. Not eating a healthy diet: Going to the gym regularly and lifting weights correctly is only half the battle to build an awesome body. The other half is eating a healthy and well balanced and protein-rich diet to achieve amazing results quickly.

Looking for the best gym or fitness centre in Winnipeg? Join Shapes Fitness Centre today!

Shapes Fitness Centre is one of the Best Gyms in Winnipeg, having the highest number of high-quality gym equipment in Winnipeg which can take your body shape to the next level. Shapes Fitness also provides Yoga classes which can help you achieve a flexible and healthy body. It has a child activity centre at every gym location and has plenty of gym parking place. Massage therapy, steam room or sauna and Jacuzzi are some of the amenities which Shapes Fitness Centre provides to its members.

To know more about the services offered by shapes fitness centre visit